Most Important
Please consider the following before submitting the videos with the manuscript:
Use only a good quality video camera or still cameras with video recording facility to record the videos.
Video can be submitted as a single file or as multiple files (maximum five files).
Submit a high resolution video (minimum 800x600px; preferred 1024x768px; excellent 1280x720px or above).
Acceptable video formats: .avi .divx .flv .mpg .mov .mp4 .wmv
Each single video file must be less than 250Mb. If multiple video files are submitted each file can be of 250Mb or less.
Total combined file size of all submitted video files should be less than 1000Mb (1 Gigabyte).
To submit large files, use video compression software to compress the files before submitting. (e.g. Software 1 (Free), Software 2 (Free), Software 3 (Paid), Software 4 (Paid)).
If compression is not possible, please contact the Editorial Office about the procedure to submit large sized/high definition video files.
Video Journal of Biomedical Science is an international, open access, peer reviewed, video journal dedicated to publishing articles in print and video formats.
Video Journal of Biomedical Science uses the video format to increase the understandability and impact of the published research. For example to describe a new surgical procedure in words is good; to show it in pictures is better, but to show the procedure by video is the best as it uses the medium of motion and vision, to explain the intricacies which may be difficult to describe in words or pictures.
Video Journal of Biomedical Science publishes peer reviewed video articles. Every article consists of two parts:
Print manuscript (similar to a manuscript published in online/print journal)
Video (single or multiple videos)
The video can show new techniques, new application of old technique,, procedure, data, discussion, clinical features, diagnostic tests, animated flow diagrams etc.
To be considered for publication in Video Journal of Biomedical Science, every written manuscript must be accompanied by a video. The video will be an integral part of the manuscript. The manuscript may also contain tables, graphs and figures. Editorials and Review Articles may be accepted without accompanying videos.
Manuscripts submitted without a video file will not be accepted for publication in Video Journal of Biomedical Science.
If you want to publish a manuscript without a video, it can be submitted to other specialty journals published by Edorium Journals.
General Instructions for Video
Every manuscript submitted for publication to Video Journal of Biomedical Science must be accompanied by separate single or multiple video(s).
The videos must be recorded by the author(s) before, during or after finalizing the study and must be relevant to the study being reported.
Types of Videos
A very wide variety of videos are accepted in Video Journal of Biomedical Science. Some examples of video(s) which may be submitted with the manuscript are:
Procedures (e.g. surgical procedures)
Biomedical tests (e.g. endoscopy, angiography)
Patient's clinical features, lesions
Laboratory Experiments (e.g. methods, results)
Microscopic study
Author(s) explaining data/event/procedure/part of manuscript
Author(s) summarizing or commenting on the study
Animated videos showing flowcharts, pathways, procedures
Discussion between authors
Slideshows as video files
Only videos in English language will be accepted.
Number of Video Files
Authors have the option of submitting upto 5 video files. The manuscript can also include separate tables, graphs and figures with appropriate legends.
Video Files Submission
Videos can be submitted along with the Cover Letter and manuscript text file at the time of submitting the files through the online webform of the journal. When submitting the manuscript files including the video, please be patient as it may take some time for video to upload from your computer/laptop to our server.
To submit large files, use video compression software to compress the files before submitting. (E.g. Software 1 (Free), Software 2 (Free), Software 3 (Paid), Software 4 (Paid))
If compression is not possible, please contact the Editorial Office about the procedure to submit large sized videos or high definition video files.
Ethical Committee Approval
All studies reporting clinical research or experimental work involving humans must be approved by the ethics committee or the governing body of the institute. If human subject are involved in the video, permission must be taken from the ethics committee or the governing body responsible for overseeing the research to film the subjects. Please preserve permission letter with you. If required we may ask for the letter at any stage of the publication process, including after publication of the manuscript.
If animals are used in studies or shown on video, authors must have written permission from the ethics committee or the governing body giving approval for the study to show animals on video.
Release Form for Human Participants
If human subjects (patients or any other individual) are shown in video/involved in research, authors must take written informed consent from all the subjects in a "Release Form". Have separate "Release Form" signed by all authors/patients/individuals shown in the video. If authors themselves are present in the video, then also a release form (one form for all authors) will be required. The release form MUST be submitted when submitting the manuscript and video files for publication. You may use your own format for the Release Form.
Download an example of the Release Form for patients/individuals here.
Download an example of the Release Form for authors here.
Consent for Identifying Information
Protect the identity of patient(s), individual(s) and organizations at all times. If it is necessary to show the identifying features of a patient or an individual, take explicit written informed consent. This consent can be taken in the “Release Form” for patient(s) and individual(s). Consent for disclosing identifying information in the video can also be taken separately. This form MUST be submitted at the time of submitting the manuscript.
Double-blind Peer Review
All manuscripts and accompanying video(s) will be simultaneously pear reviewed by the experts in the subject. The manuscript and the video(s) will undergo double-blind peer review in which the authors and reviewers do not know the identity of each other. We request the authors not to include any information about the authors, their institute, city, country or other identifying information (e.g. names on doctor's apron) in the videos to enable a double-blind peer review of the video(s).
Single-blind Peer Review
If the authors are participants in the video (e.g. author(s) are explaining a procedure or discussing a result), the manuscript and accompanying video(s) will undergo single-blind peer review in which the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers but reviewers know the identity of the authors. The reviewers may or may not be able to recognize the authors from the video, but for all practical purposes the manuscript will be considered to have undergone a single-blind peer review.
Video Editing After Peer Review (We can help - Charged separately)
If editors or peer reviewers ask for video to be edited, this can be done by the authors if they have technical expertise to do so. If authors do not have access to technical expertise or want the Editorial Office to do the video editing, the technical team of the journal can provide video editing services.
Editing of the videos will be done by the Editorial Office, in consultation with the authors. This will be done after peer review, according to editorial and peer reviewer's comments. The video editing will be done as required by editorial and peer reviewer's comments and agreed to by the authors. The edited videos and the revised manuscript files will be sent to the editor for final decision.
Charges for Video Editing After Peer Review
Major editing of the video will be done by the Editorial Office, in consultation with the authors. This will be done after peer review, according to editorial and peer reviewer's comments. The edited videos and the revised manuscript files will be sent to the editor for final decision.
Editing videos and hosting them on our servers is done by professionals and takes a lot of technical expertise and specialized software. After peer review is complete and before major video editing is done by the Editorial Office, the authors will be required to pay 30% of the Article Publication Charges.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication after final editorial review, the 30% fees paid will be adjusted in the Article Processing Charges and authors will be required to pay only the remaining 70% charges.
If the manuscript is rejected after final editorial review, the 30% publication charges paid by the authors will be refunded. If full 30% charges are refunded, the edited video will not be given to the authors. All versions of the edited video will be destroyed. If authors want, they can get the edited version of the video by paying 30% charges.
If the authors decide to withdraw the manuscript from publication any time after the peer review is complete and major video editing has started, or do not give a response to communication from the Editorial Office, the 30% video processing charges paid by the authors will be forfeited to cover the cost of video editing. This has been done so that authors submit to us only those manuscripts which they really want to publish.
Editorial Review
Editors will take the final decision about what to include and what to remove from the manuscript or video. Editors may ask the authors to remove any or all videos from the submission, if the videos do not add any meaningful information/procedure/explanation to the text.
Time to Publication
If generally take 12-16 weeks (3-4 months) from submission of manuscript to publication. If video involves working with animals, the video will be reviewed by veterinary expert and animal welfare experts. In such case the review process may take longer than normal, and time to publication will increase correspondingly.
Alternate Opportunity for Publication
We request you to submit good quality videos by following instructions for videos. If any manuscript is rejected only because of poor video quality and it is not possible for the authors to re-shoot the video, the authors will have the option to publish the manuscript in the corresponding Edorium series of journals, without the video, at lower charges.
Special Instructions for Video
All videos submitted for publication must meet the technical guidelines given in 'Technical Specifications for Video', so that we are able to maintain uniform and high quality of videos published in the journals.
Video Camera
Use only a good quality video camera or still cameras with video recording facility to record the video. Do not submit videos recorded using mobile phones unless they meet the technical specifications given here.
Preparations Before Shooting The Video
When producing/recording video we advise you to make all preparation well in advance. Preparations may include - procuring all materials; testing instruments to see that they are in working condition; clean and presentable office, laboratory, clinical wards, examination rooms; all persons responsible for recording videos and people being recorded are present on time; making sure that patient's or individual's identity is protected all times. If recording a patient, the body parts not relevant to the case should be protected from being recorded on video. Protect patient's privacy at all times.
Legend for Videos
Readers must be able to understand what is being shown in the video. Give a detailed description of each video (similar to figure legends) in 200 words or less. Clearly describe what is being shown in the video. You may use the running time of the video (time elapsed form the time video was started) to describe specific features. To describe a unique feature occurring in the videos give the running time after giving the description of the feature. (e.g.The color changed from red to blue (03:25) - This will mean that the color change from red to blue will be seen in the video at the time when 3 minutes 25 seconds of video has played.)
Citation of Video in Text
Citation to video(s) must be given in the text of the manuscript at appropriate places.
Describe Techniques Shown in Video
If any techniques or procedure is discussed in the videos, give detailed steps of the technique or procedure in the text of the manuscript. Use sub-headings for clarity of different stages of the steps.
While reporting techniques - surgical or experimental - in the video
Give a step by step description of the technique in the text of the manuscript, emphasize the essential steps of the techniques and highlight any steps which require extra caution.
Give the description of the results expected in the outcome. Give both normal range and abnormal results.
Provide a schematic overview or detailed flowchart of the method.
If any toxic or harmful chemical is used, it must be marked clearly in the text and the video.
For all reagents, equipment, instruments and machines give the model and/or reference number, name of manufacturer, city and county of manufacturer in the text of the manuscript.
Annotations in Videos (We can help - Charged separately)
Mark specific regions and areas in the video by arrows or other symbols or add text annotations using a video editor. If you do not have the expertise or software to do this, we can do this for you, free of charge, during initial minor editing.
If you wish to mark specific regions or areas in the video, you can pause the video at the exact place where you want the symbols (e.g. arrows, circles, lines, blurring) or annotation (1-2 word description) to appear, take a screenshot, paste the screenshot in a MS Word file, place the mark or annotation in the exact place where you want it to appear. Send us the MS Word file with the following:
Exact run-time when video was paused to take the screenshot
The duration in minutes:seconds for which the mark or annotation should be present
The end-time where the mark should disappear.
Subtitles from Script (Charged separately)
Authors may submit a script of the video. If authors submit a script, it will be used for adding subtitles to the video. We encourage the authors to submit the script so that the subtitles may be added and readers of every language can easily understand the video. This service is charged separately from the publication charges.
If no script is submitted Editorial Office will give the authors an option to add subtitles to the video. The script for adding the subtitles will be created by the Editorial Office from the video submitted by the authors. This service will be charged separately from the publication charges.
Some Dont's for Videos
No video showing euthanasia will be accepted
Videos should not have trademark logo/registered logo/brand logo symbols anywhere on the screen
Video should not feel or sound like advertisement of any company, product, instrument or service
If any proprietary instrument or machine is shown in the videos include the relevant information (model no/reference no., name of manufacturer, city, county) only in the text of the manuscript.
Please do not use marketing language, commercial language, trademark or registered symbols or repeated use of any brand names.
Video Editing Assistance to Authors (Charged separately)
Authors will receive the following assistance in video editing from the Editorial Office. These services are charged separately from Article Processing Charges.
Add a title page to the video
Cut non-essential parts from the video
Add marks/annotation to videos
Improve video parameter like brightness, contrast, aspect ratio etc.
Add subtitles from script provided by authors
Write the script from video and add subtitles from the script
Narration & voiceover from script provided by authors
Write the script from video and add narration & voiceover
Technical Specifications for Video
Here are the instructions and suggestions for recording and editing videos prior to their submission to the journal for publication. Authors are required to follow these guidelines and adhere to them to produce and publish good quality videos.
These criteria enable as to maintain consistency and good quality of videos published by the journal. Following these criteria to record and edit a good quality video will help the readers understand the article better. Failure to adhere to these video quality criteria may result in rejection of the video and from publication even though the manuscript is written in perfect language.
Few Tips For Videos
Write-the script for your video in advance, especially for narrative videos, in which a narration of a procedure, technique or data is given. We strongly advise you not to do video extempore.
Adjust video setting carefully in the video camera or other video recording device - the minimum acceptable criteria are - resolution 800x600px, aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9, color mode - Full color, any other setting according to requirements like ambient light etc.
Make sure adequate light is present to illuminate the subjects or instruments or equipment.
Remember, the objective of the video is to explain or demonstrate the facts given in the manuscript in an easily understandable manner and video will be an integral part of the manuscript. As you would prefer to submit a well written manuscript, similarly please make all efforts to submit good quality videos.
Please select the correct resolution, file format and other parameters in the video recording device before starting to record the video.
Video File
Submit a high resolution video (minimum 800x600px; preferred 1024x768px; excellent 1280x720px or above)
Acceptable video formats: .avi .divx .flv .mpg .mov .mp4 .wmv
H264 video compression
Encoding DV-DVC, PRO-NTSC or DV-PAL code
Bit rate 3.5 Mb/Sec
Video submitted as a single file or as multiple files (maximum files 5)
Each single video file must be less than 250Mb. If multiple video files are submitted each file can be of 250Mb or less.
Total combined file size of all submitted video files should be less than 1000Mb (1 Gigabyte).
Submitted video files may include audio
Do not change aspect ratio/bit rate when recording two parts of a video or between a single recordings
Video must completely fill the frame of the screen of recording device
Audio Quality
Any voice included in the video should be fully audible and understandable.
While receding video, speaker/narrator should speak slowly and clearly to enable easy comprehension.
Quality, tone and level of voice should be constant throughout the video.
While recording video/audio, keep the background noise (extra persons, machine noise, fans etc.) to a minimum. Background noise should not affect understanding of the audio.
If there are parts of video, which do not have voice audio, the authors can send any royalty free instrumental music which will be added to these parts.
Narration: write the script and then record the video or you can send us the recorded video and the transcript and we will do a voice ever for the video. We advise you not do the narration extempore.
Video Quality
Videos should be free of distracting or erratic camera movement. Either place the camera on a stable, hard surface or use a tripod to record the video
If laboratory tests or images are shown in the video, it should be large enough to be seen clearly
Video should be free of artifacts
Screeen Capture
If capturing screen on video (e.g. computer screen) to explain a procedure or data, the video must be clear and sharp
Videos must not be pixilated
Surgical Videos
The video must the restricted to surgical areas only
Face of the subject must not be shown in the video unless it is essential for the purpose of the article. If the face is shown, explicitly permission must be taken from the patient to show identifying features (including face). This permission is separate from the "Release Form"